Saturday, March 23, 2013

HDBanks 2013: Sole leader emerges

A sole leader has emerged in the 2013 HDBanks Cup International in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. GM Le Quang Liem defeated GM Zhou Jianchou to take sole lead with 6.5 points out of seven rounds. In fact, he has a one point lead after GM Oliver Barbosa settled for a draw with GM Zhou Weiqi. Barbosa is second with six points and will play Liem in the eight round.

Malaysian Yeoh Li Tian sneaked in half a point when his much higher rated Chinese opponent overlooked a perpetual check. Li Tian now have four points meaning he has no more chances of making a norm. He next meets IM Oliver Dimakiling, his nemesis. The next round starts at 4:30 PM


Anonymous said...

Everyone has so much to say about Li Tian... but how is anyone really qualified?

Let's focus on encouragement and good wishes as we should to any young boy (think if your son)- one who has achieved a lot, even if not as much as some might hoped and perhaps a lot more than some others would have expected!

It is easy to say, not so easy to do.

Also, don't forget, he is playing in an open event on his own (father's) money and no one, me included, is giving any real help and so frankly he does not belong to us and certainly also owes us nothing.

If we have so much expert advise to give, that can be done privately and giving time and money is always good too!

Anonymous said...

I support this.

Anonymous said...

Got to agree with this point above. I mean it is Jimmy who is the one that is posting all these updates about Li Tian. And of course this will invite comments good or bad. So naturally some will support, some will criticise. This is to be expected. Why fuss over whether it is encouragement or criticism. If it is constructive, why fuss over it?

Jimmy Liew said...

coz it is non constructive and just plain personal?

Anonymous said...

So just ignore it. Why make a big fuss? You allow people to post comments on it, so you have to expect some people to post things which are like that. Otherwise don't allow these post to appear. By the way, not all of the stuff are personal. Some of it is just giving comments as a chess player. For example like Li Tian playing the 2.c3 variation. How is that personal? Check back again at what Peter is saying.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy, many things PL says are very personal. You allow it because PL is in your camp? Hope not.

Jimmy Liew said...

I dont see Peter saying things to any body in particular. So it is not personal. You anonymous makes it personal because you seem to think it is about you. THat is quite silly to me. You are anonymous. Keep it that way and dont make it about you.

Jimmy Liew said...

Peter Long is not in my camp. He is allowed freedom to speak just now all you anonymous. If you wish, I can shut everybody up just like Raymond Siew does.

Anonymous said...

It is ridiculous for PL to post on your blog more often than on his own. When he calls someone an idiot, it is personal. You don't think so?

Anonymous said...

Many people won't post their names here because certain bloggers will try to hound those who do not share their views. RS is a good example. There are obviously others too.

Jimmy Liew said...

Who did he call an idiot?

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