Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A fool and his....??

They say it is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool rather than open it and remove all doubt.

This fool does not even know that the tournament now being contested in London is the Candidates and not the Chess Classic , the latter has already been over for several months. And I bet ten to one he does not even know the significance of the Candidates. And hundred to one that he is now scrambling to find the answer from his son.

And what is "powder move"? Have you been ponteng (Malay for "playing truant") your Form One English classes?


Anonymous said...

Jimmy, I believe the word "powder" was used deliberately here in his article.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jimmy,

Looks like Li Tian is going all out to bump you from the Malaysian Masters! Our best young/junior player just beat a 2600+ GM, a former World Youth Champion and the winner no less of the recent Asian Zonals.

Jimmy Liew said...

its ok, i can still qualify through back door

Anonymous said...

So far Mas and Ronnie have confirmed. Mok is obviously waiting to see who, what, etc. and I know Yee Weng is struggling to get leave so maybe no back door (does that actually exist?) will be needed! To be honest I don;t even know if Li Tian can get off school and interesting if Tze Han will play!

Jimmy Liew said...

what do you mean no back door. the fool has been talking about this door for years. it must exists since he said so.

Anonymous said...

Hi Peter and Jimmy. Did the two of you manage to fix the game Li Tian just played. Just want to hear from the horses mouth rather than from A fool and his..???.

Jimmy Liew said...

Normally there is little point to fixing a first round game. But the fool thinks Li Tian is not the strongest junior we have, so how to explain this first round result? therefore he will conclude it was fixed.

Anonymous said...

Despite his wins and draws against GMs , Li Tian is not the strongest junior if he don't play with Fool Junior in this years NAtional Junior even though Li Tian is 13 and Fool Junior is 20

Anonymous said...

GM Anand is not the strongest Indian player since he did not play in Indian Closed.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous,

Please don't give Jimmy and I any credit. Li Tian is well capable of fixing his game - by actually playing it!

Before the MCF AGM, Mas and I were invited to provide a detailed analysis to delegates of our where our young players stood relative to their peers. When we did the research, we realised that Li Tian at 13 of age going on to 14 at the end of the year was 300 points more (give or take a few points) than our other juniors who were closer to 20 years of age.

But of course to one non chess playing fool he is not our top junior despite playing in practically every tournament. (Of course he was 4th in World Youth U-8 but that does not count as it is not the National Juniors).

eddy said...

few weeks back, someone wrote..... every morning, when i wake up , i entertain myself by reading "that" blog...... ha ha... 25 hour/day of chess, chess, chess.... oh boring ! so some ' non chess ' articles can be entertaining ! ?

Anonymous said...

That blog is now starting a series on Corporate Management. From what i can gather from the blog, he has been out of coporate ( out of job ) for a number of years already. Interesting to see what he can preach.

Anonymous said...

Can please collect all posts from this blog and publish a book, would be bestseller, and you get rich even if not wanting to.

eddy said...

' collect all posts from this blog and publish a book '...... not a bad idea, anyway it needs all sort of people to make the world, why we want one type of people only ?

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