The men's standard only has six players and contested over a five round round-robin tournament. A single loss can be the end of the gold medal. Megaranto should now win the gold barring any upset as he needs a single point from the remaining two rounds. A tie with Wesley So will be in the Indonesian's favour due to the personal encounter tie-breaker.
I tried to force a win from a equal position by sacrificing a piece against my Myanmar opponent but missed a simple defensive move and had to resign few moves later.
Current standings
In the Women's standard, the hot favourite Indonesian WGM Irine Sukandar has lost the gold medal. She was defeated by Philippine WFM Jose Rulp Ylem. This event is even shorter with only five players so there are only four rounds. She also drew with Vietnamese WIM Nguyen Thi Mai Hung.
Our representative, Camilia Johari has half point with a single draw with WIM Nguyen Thi Mai Hung. I was engrossed in my own game and not following Camilia game. Apparently, she was a pawn up when her opponent offered a draw. A win could have retained some chances of a bronze since there are so few rounds but this is now unlikely.
We also do not have any medal prospects in the rapids (men and women). Our best hope , IM Mas lost his last two games in the men's rapid. The last chance for medals will be in the men and women blitz event on the last day. Our representatives are IM Mas, Sumant Subramaniam, Najiha and Nabila
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