Friday, May 7, 2010

Anand - Topalov, 9th game drawn

The 9th game of the World Championship match between Anand and Topalov ended in a draw but not without some heart-stopping moments.

Anand changed openings with 3. Nc3 entering a Nimzo-Indian. Topalov surprised everyone by giving up his two rooks for white's queen. Around 1 A.M in the morning , after Black played 48...Kb7, I had to retire for the night (or morning if you wish). At that point, Anand looked like winning although he was rather short of time.

Unfortunately Anand missed several wins later on in the game. The game ended with Topalov giving perpetual check. Most observers online thought that Anand was tiring which is not a good sign. He has black in the next game and let us not forget that he lost the last black. Will he continue to play the Slav defence?

Both players are now tied with 4.5-4.5 with another three games to go. Tonight's game starts at 8 P.M. Malaysian time.


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