Friday, March 30, 2012

Famous movies seen through a chessboard

Friday's are special and Friday's night are extra special. I can play chess online through the night and wake up at noon on Saturday! I enjoy Fridays and being in such good mood I always create special posts and hope everyone enjoy them with me.

Inspired by 2010 Chess Odyssey World post which depicted various nations using chessboard and pieces, I present to you my "Famous movies as seen through a chess diagram".

The challenge is how to present the essence of a movie using just a chess board and pieces. Ready? Read on to find out.

More Malware from Andrew?

Nowadays when I go to Gilachess or Malaysian Chess Blogs I get this pop-up

Depending on your browser settings , you may or may not get this popup. I think it is some kind of malware. If you click Cancel it keeps popping up again and again. My advice is do not click the Run button.

I'm staying away from Andrew's sites until he fixes it.