Friday, February 1, 2013

Top earners in 2012

Here is a list of the top chess players earnings in 2012. It seems quite a good occupation if you are amongst the best players in the world.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this.
Where can I find a free database of games of all only Malaysia players? Preferred is if they are commentated. Honestly, I need it to prepare my team better to beat when playing anybody from Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

Peter, you got your facts wrong, so please admit it. The current top Malaysian player is Mok, followed by Ronnie Lim. I am sorry Mas is only in 3rd, place according to Fide rating.

If you keep deleting postings which are factual, you are not doing better then Raymond Siew.

Anonymous said...

Some idiot who does not give his name when posting but has so much to say without logic or understanding of anything chess is now out of the blue also accusing me of deleting what he thinks are his factual postings on someone's blog?

And who like Raymond thinks he matters? Probably the same person.

But if not this coward should at least have manners or speak to me directly (my phone number and email are on record) but if with no life except to go around to blogs and still have nothing constructive to say, that would explain it.

Anonymous said...

Peter, why do you show your temper when I said Mok is currently Malaysia's top player and not Mas, as stated in your blog, Isn't that a fact? Mas, in my opinion is still a very, very good player, BUT why do you play down Mok's achievement? If you decide that cannot be said on your blog, then I post it on Jimmy's blog. I am sure Jimmy recognises Mok's acievement, if not you.

Anonymous said...

By the way, my posting on your blog just simply said Mok is the top player, Ronnie Lim is second and Mas is third. That is according to the latest Fide rating list. I also said to the effect I wish Mas all the best and that he can reach the top again.

That also you find not right. I wonder if you keep abreast of chess developments in Malaysia. By the way, why must anyone who posts on blogs use their real names? Is it for people like RS and possibly you, to pursue till kingdom come?

Jimmy Liew said...

No need to bash each other. Peter has his opinion who is No.1 , and I stress the word "opinion".

Anonymous thinks the highest FIDE rated player should be considered number one. His opinion again.

Some others might think the current National Champion should be rightfully number one, yet others might have different thoughts.

All these are only opinions, no need to get upset.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy, you may be right, but in the absence of an objective yardstick which applies to everybody (eg Fide rating) any opinion can be openly challenged.

We all know the Malaysian champion is likely an extension of the current MSSC/Junior champion and is not the Malaysian No. 1. Frankly, we all don't wish to be like RS who is totally authoritarian in his views and blog. Unfortunately it looks like there is another, which makes RS' views not too unbelievable after all.

I think it is disrespectful to Mok, who has reached the pinnacle of his chess career but be ignored in a careless inadvertent posting. Just making a factual statement also get attacked?????

Anonymous said...

Mok is good but Mas is much stronger. Mas lost the no.1 in rating position because he played in so many tournaments in the past two years.Mok got his no 1 position by not playing to safeguard his rating, 4 tournaments in the past 2 years for a full time chess players. Many believe he would dip below 2300 had he played as active as Mas.

Jimmy Liew said...

You can challenge any opinion for e.g "I think FIDE rating is better indicator of No. 1".

"Peter, you got your facts wrong, so please admit it." and "I wonder if you keep abreast of chess developments in Malaysia." is a different kettle of fish and you got the appropriate response.

Not taking sides here, in fact I agree with you that the FIDE rating is the correct indicator , for me anyway.

Anonymous said...

It is clear to me that particular Anonymous twists and turns his words not too well. While I suppose it is acceptable that he does not know anything about chess and sadder still that he chooses to see conspiracy in everything but of course he also does not understand what blogs are and how they work.

From accusing me of deleting to demanding the right to post on my blog and now moving on to say I belittle my good friend Mok in favour of my other friend Mas is what really irks me about this person who makes such out of context remarks without share his name and then excuses that cowardice in his by now familiar illogical reasoning.

Just because on my blog I referred to Mas as our No.1? He does not have to read and I never got any comment posted to me (I have to moderate because that is the law now but anyway it is not for such people and I admit I only post with real names given).

Anonymous said...

You call people who disagree with you "idiots". That alone reflects on you. Please don't see ghosts everywhere just because you are cross with RS.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous above, I may be tempted to agree with you Mas WAS stronger, but who are we to say so when Elo rating indicates otherwise?

Your conrention that Mas lost Elo points by playing more tournaments cannot hold water. Statistically, the more a person plays, the more accurate is his rating.

Anonymous said...

I call that particular Anonymous an idiot because after I gave a polite perspective in my comment on this blog, he addresses me directly saying things like I delete comments and is no different from Raymond Siew. Then he further proves what I call him by not addressing my replies/questions to him and twists and turns his words like the coward I call him. But I may be wrong. He is just stupid or Raymond Siew. This is my final comment as I cannot be wasting all our time on this Idiot.

Anonymous said...

Being called an idiot is more polite than being called a 13 year old IM. Thats what you get when you try to reason with that man.

Anonymous said...

"Some idiot who does not give his name when posting but has so much to say without logic or understanding of anything chess is now out of the blue also accusing me of deleting what he thinks are his factual postings on someone's blog?" ... Peter Long

Peter long's first shot was calling people an idiot. I don't see any of his "polite perspective" anywhere before that. What a liar unless he was accusing Jimmy of deleting his prior comments.

Anonymous said...

Peter LOng mana ada polite? 30 tahun bashing MCF, Tan Chin Nam dan sekarang Ignatious Leong. Sekarang mau bertanding post MCF secretary ... Hehe

Anonymous said...

Kalau Peter Long electd MCF secretary, fireworks guaranteed dgn Ignatious Leong FIDE secretary. Macam mana Malaysian chess?

Anonymous said...

Who was MCF Secretary before Greg?

Jimmy Liew said...


Simon said...

Seriously, not taking sides here, but it has to be one hell of a player to be qualified in calling others 'not knowing chess' and 'idiot'. Kasparov once called a GM coffee house player and got beaten. Who are we to say others not 'knowing chess' when there are thousands other better than us? And for someone dare to even utter those words, how much do you know to think that 'you know chess'??

When one gets arrogant, more will stand up against you. For RS, his reputation is in the mud, do you want to be in the same mold too by stooping to looking down on others?

Anonymous said...

His "temper" has been like that for 40 years. Been fighting MCF and Dato' Tan for 30 years calling them names, just like a small kid. Even FIDE secretary general is also not spared now. What a character!

Anonymous said...

Mark Siew is the best!!!

Anonymous said...

As long as nothing is done by moderators, arrogant men will dominate the chess scene and teach children, sponsors and women to be arrogant also. This is why chess in Malaysia is never going to improve beyond the obvious doing the job and period. FIDE secretary general should be respected 100%.

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