Friday, January 25, 2013

Game fixing accusations

Yes, I do read Raymond Siew's poison blog. No doubt about that. I read it for the same reason that a friend once told me. He read it "for his own protection" i.e. to see if he himself have been mentioned and attacked.

Now the mad fool's latest post is particularly nauseating. He says Li Tian's games in Brunei and Melaka are fixed.

Now the real reason why the fool says so is for two reasons. One, the fool is jealous that his son cannot match Li Tian's results and secondly, Li Tian's father has the audacity to publicly tell everyone what he thinks of him (Raymond Siew). That made Chin Seng his number three enemy  behind me and Peter Long. So that post is just motivated to get back at Chin Seng.

Raymond Siew even quotes the FIDE Secretary as saying that the results are "suspect". In other words, some form of cheating was going on. That is very interesting for the FIDE Secretary to say that (any proof?). I have already written to Ignatius Leong (FIDE Secretary) for confirmation if he did say such a thing. I will see what to do next once and if I receive a reply.

I've known Chin Seng a long time and Li Tian quite well. For sure, Chin Seng is not Raymond Siew and Li Tian is no Mark Siew either (Mark was caught game fixing by the arbiter). So such accusations are totally inconceivable to me. MCF should investigate these accusations and act accordingly.


Anonymous said...

Jimmy, we are living in a new age now where mad crazy fools who don't have any knowledge or understanding whatsoever can blatantly pronounce or say things which are outright false and illogical. And sometimes they do write it in such a way that there appears to be some prima facie plausibility. But false nonetheless. Just look at how people are bashing Magnus Carlsen on some online chess forums despite performing superbly with 1.5 points ahead of Anand! They say Magnus can only beat 2600 players but not 2700 players and so is unjustifiably leading (he can only beat the weak players but not the strong ones), he plays very mediocore chess and is only lucky to win because his opponent blunders etc.. BUT had it been the other way round, where Magnus was beating 2700s and only drawing 2600s.. guess what these naysayers will say? U guessed it. Magnus cannot even beat the 2600s, he only plays in the elite tourneys because he is scared and knows he will get trashed when he plays 2500s and 2600s or even 2200s! And blah blah blah.. So this is exactly the world we are living in now, with internet, social networks and stuff.. Stupid people saying stupid things.. And yes we do have a name for them, TROLLS!

Peter Long said...

The FIDE General Secretary knows only all too well about suspect results. But anyone who plays with or analyses with Li Tian (even watch him play) will know how good he is. Ignatius Leong cannot admit he said even if he actually did and I doubt it happened as Fool Gone Mad is just a name dropper. But with no reply to an enquiry from MCF, his credibility and that of FIDE will be called into question. Whatever it is, Fool Gone Mad may have outdone himself once again. Expect him to quickly edit his blog or start changing his story. And if his intention really is to upset Li Tian while is playing at the Zonals, I can confirm that he has succeeded.

Yeoh said...

Hi Jimmy,
1. Thanks for writing this article to defend li tian, despite you are well aware that the fool will counter with more fabricated accusation on you.
2. tian and i had anticipated that before the zonal, just did not expect the fool wrote in such desperate way. The fool just tell the community how ugly he is.
3. My response to the fool:
Li Tian never fix games, for he is not from the Fix-Game-Master (FGM) School.

Jimmy Liew said...

Fix Game Master one

Anonymous said...

All well said and done. Disregarding everything else, and granted the fact that Li Tian is extremely good for a player at his age, I think it also helps that MCF is a bit more transparent in their selection policy. This is the Zonals and he is representing Malaysia after all and not an Open tournament. How was he selected for this Zonals?

1. Selected because of his ratings/good recent results (which results?) and also because no one else could come out with their own funds to play? (As it always has been). A simple explanation on MCF's website would go a long way towards appeasing the general chess enthusiasts in Malaysia, and would also set in place future benchmarks for selection. Not so difficult to do lah.

Anonymous said...

As there are always issues about selection transparency especially when representing Malaysia and proudly wearing the jalur gemilang, it is important that MCF publicize the tournament where Malaysia wishes to send representatives and the criteria for selection. Kenapa tak boleh? Haruskah kita setiap kali membaca dan mendengar bahawa MCF harus mengambil tindakan tapi sampai sekarang MCF cuma membuat bodoh!!!

Anonymous said...

MCF is avoiding the issue. Once and for all get into gear and terminate all the cheaters. Since Raymond Siew and Mark Siew were caught cheating and they openly admitted to the world that they did, and that too without any regret, MCF must take strong action against them to show that the governing authority is against cheating. By keeping silent, the cheaters become more blatant and now openly create tales of cheating which may never have happened. Wake up, MCF!!!!

Anonymous said...

The issue now is cheating in chess. Why do MCF tolerate cheaters who openly declared they cheated and were proud of it?

Anonymous said... sorry...pls dont disturb ya...MCF is sleeping...will sleep forever....

Anonymous said...

The 3,000 words toxic rebuttal to the 3 sentence Chin Seng wrote above reflects on how twisted his mind had become.

Anonymous said...

Raymond Siew has said many times .. when the player does not perform, the coach is responsible. When a player cheats, his coach is justifiably responsible. In this instance Mark Siew is in the best position to know first hand what a character his coach is. In NJ2010, if the cheating had gone unnoticed, Mark Siew would have been champion. Is'nt that a very grave injustice that would have happened? Now the biggest cheater of all is fiercely accusing, without evidence, of cheating by others. If Raymond Siew thinks cheaters should be punished, I put it to him that he accepts MCF's punishment first, as an example of sportsmanship.

Anonymous said...

I really wonder why someone has to go to such extreme to ask for a selection. If you are a good chess palyer, start winning tournaments, build up your elo ratings, and naturally you will get the opportunity to play for the country. Looking back you will see all our FMs and IMs and top players has represented Malaysia at some point of time.

Jimmy Liew said...

its not about selection or anything like that. you guys dont get it.

without "problems" in the chess community, he has no reason to exist since he does not know any chess. there is nothing for him, he has to close down his blog. and that he cannot accept.

so there must always be "problems", if there aren't any, he has to create them.

Anonymous said...

MCF of course always needs to improve and move towards being more professional and I too wish they would get a proper website up and running but the reality is that all the officials are not paid to this work (although it could be argued that then why tale the job if you cannot perform?).

In Li Tian's case I know that his father took the trouble to write in early to MCF to enquire if he could be entered and since it is an event now open to all, it was a just question of a National Chess Federation's endorsement as all expenses was being bourne by his family. Subsequently I understand that MCF did ask our top players if they were interested as well and in the end MCF felt (and very correctly too) that he was good enough to fly the Malaysian flag.

On the matter of that pathetic liar who is so uninformed about everything and yet is at the same time sick enough to make up stories targeting children, I have been told that MCF has difficulty acting against him because he has no standing, having been kicked out of PICA and who does not even play chess, and with a son not of national standard who they are trying their best not to accidentally victimise as a result of the sins of the father.

At 19, Mark has a rating of 1994 and in a year will no longer be able to play as a so called junior. Should we wish to insult him by making a comparison, Li Tian is 13 and 2278, almost 300 hundred points and a who category higher in strength.

A fairer comparison perhaps is with another much better and more highly regarded young player from Perak, Fong Yit San who is a year younger at 18 and rated 2024 and with due respect I believe he would be the first to understand he needs to get closer to 2200 before he leaves the junior ranks but with a year plus and breaking through with his first national title his father can be hopeful and would certainly not need to make up stories.

Anonymous said...

Peter, I understand your explanation regarding MCF's "inaction". However, I think some examplary action must be taken against a player who plainly cheated in an "Important" tournament and got away scot-free. This sets a precedent as other young players may duplicate the action in future. This has little to do with the actions of his father, Raymong Siew.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Peter for your explanation that the Zonals is now an open tournament and anyone with funds can go. So that closes the need for selections, in fact informing MCF about it is probably superfluous then. They are probably more than happy that someone would be participating at the Zonals on their own account, with some ELO strength of course. As for the fact that MCF officials are not paid for their work, again agreed that the website cannot be much better. But surely writing a few words and clarifying a few selection criteria isn't that difficult. Don't need a fancy webmaster for that. Not asking for the moon here. For example "Yeoh Li Tian was selected for the following reasons:-"

1. He came 2nd in so and so tournament.
2. He is ranked so and so in the latest FIDE ELO list.
3. No one else wrote in to participate.
4. He paid with his own funds but MCF or some kind Datuk chipped in with a small token amount of money just to encourage him.
5. The Zonals is now an Open tournament so anyone has the right to write in.

Think this would be good enough for most people.

Anonymous said...

MCF does have a communication problem for sure that could be so easily addressed by having an informative and updated website even if it can be argued that its members are the state affiliates and that they might have already made known their criteria and decisions to them.

I am not MCF of course but represent a state affiliate which does not enjoy much access to what goes on but has the right to communicate our views and in doing so have always argued for transparency as it generally makes things easier for all (with perhaps the one exception who so sadly prefers to make up his own reality).

But information is out there everywhere as to events e.g. and if someone is interested he or she can easily read up and then it is question of asking as Li Tian's father most certainly did.

eddy said...

A simple explanation on MCF's website would go a long way towards appeasing the general chess enthusiasts in Malaysia, and would also set in place future benchmarks for selection. Not so difficult to do lah.
January 27, 2013 at 9:54 AM
i agree... but i also found out that all the committee members of MCF r not interested to engage the general chess enthusiasts(namely the parents of chess players or the players) ... in a meaningful dialogue. This is not in their list of duty when they got elected to the MCF !! so why stick their heads out on the chopping block ? can that member claimed to represent MCF when he says something ? will MCF supports him or her when he says something ? Or should i put it this way : what ever is said , is subjected to confirmation in the next mcf meeting, so let the dialogue goes on.... please comment, any takers ?

eddy said...

5. The Zonals is now an Open tournament so anyone has the right to write in.
i suggest a minimum rating of 2200 and not send a player of 1800 rating. thanks

eddy said...

MCF does have a communication problem for sure....... but ...but.. all MCF committee members are our friends, whom we met very often.... just asked them ! what an irony that we still have communication problem for sure..... how can these mcf friends who are there..... and yet they are not there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! malaysia boleh.

Jimmy Liew said...

When one of our MCF VP made an innocent acknowledgement, she was attacked mercilessly by a fool. Who else would want to openly say anything after that?

edfong said...

Wah!! Another "eddy'. As far as I know there are two persons using the name Eddy in the known Malaysian chess community. It seems there is a third person with that name.

Just so there is no misunderstanding, I am posting to notify that I, Eddy Fong, posts only using this logged-in 'edfong' account. Any other postings by Eddy, Eddy Fong, or variants, whether logged-in using other accounts or not logged-in, was not me in the past, and would not be me in the future.

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