Round three was a most bloody day with four out of the five games being decisive and white on the winning side.
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Najihah Mohd Saufi - Alia Bakri, Round 3 |
The best chance was 31...Re7 and if 32. Rc5 to defend the pawn with 32...Rd7 and then bring the king to the defence of the d5 pawn.
32. Rc5! Now black is forced to exchange and give white a potential passed pawn on the queen-side
Rxc5 33. dxc5
Kf6 34. b4 Ke6
Despite pawns are equal, black is worse as he cannot create his own passed pawn on the king-side due to the white pawn on e3. Now 34... Ke5 35. b5 and 35...d5 is not possible because of 36 exd4+ Kxd4 37 c6 queening the pawn.
35. a4 a6 36. b5 a5 37. h4 Ke5 38. g4 fxg4+ 39. Kxg4 h6 40. Kf3 Ke6 41. Kf4 g5+
Black is in zugzwang. 41...Kf6 loses to 42 c6 bxc6 43 b6.
42. hxg5 hxg5+ 43. Kxg5 Ke5 44. Kg4 Ke4 45. c6 bxc6 46. bxc6 Kxe3 47. c7 d4 48. c8=Q d3 49. Qc5+ Ke2 50. Qxa5 1-0
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