Friday, February 8, 2013

New FIDE regulation: Licence to play

When I first found out about this regulation, I quickly glanced at the date. No, April 1st is still a long way off.

FIDE has approved a new regulation for licencing and registration of chess player. Soon you will need a licence to play in FIDE rated tournaments if this regulation is not opposed.

If any federation allows an unlicenced player into their tournament, the federation will need to pay a penalty of 50 Euro for every infringement.

How was such a regulation approved? MCF should have received notice of this by now. Hopefully they will join other national federations to protest this new regulation.

Think about it. Any new chess players wanting to join a FIDE rated competition will need to get licenced before the beginning of the tournament. Will MCF foot the bill or collect from it's chess players? How many players and parents will just give up before they even started?


Anonymous said...

First licence to officiate, then licence to train, and now licence to play.

I am going the feel the pain from the first two and our good friend the Mighty Mok will be wondering if he should pay for all, some, or none!

What other licences might there be next?

Ilham said...


Really needs to post something on this...

abdooss said...

I'd appreciate it you'd clean your blog. Malware is still around!

Anonymous said...

Soon need to buy rat food once you touch chess pieces :)

eddy said...

First licence to officiate, then licence to train, and now licence to play....... PAP PAP PAP stand for pay and pay
What other licences might there be next? ..... ans : pay to type on this blog !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MCF should propose to FIDE to charge 1/4 euro for playing in FIDE tnt.

Anonymous said...

next will be a license to watch fide tournaments ......

Anonymous said...

It has been sensibly cancelled... the FIDE Secretary General and Chairman of Qualifications Commission who apparently did this is now discredited (again?). But it will come back again in some form as that is the way it works with these people.

Anonymous said...

Why do you think it is cancelled?
See FIDE Handbook
Its official.
Pay or Play.

Anonymous said...

All of this has been approval by the highest experts of the international chess federation. It simply cannot be they are wrong. No way, man. How to trust anybody then.

Anonymous said...

Time to call the Pest Busters - exterminate the Rat !

Anonymous said...

Peter, you ought to know that Mas is only the no. 3 in Malaysia today (sad), and not officially the top player. First is Mok and second, Ronnie Lim. Hope he (Mas) takes that as a challenge and pull himself together to reach the top again. No offence to Mok and Ronnie.

Anonymous said...

Ratings are only part of the story. If Mas made himself available today no one would question his playing on top board.

There was a time when I topped the FIDE rating list but Jimmy was still our best player.

If one wishes to go by ratings alone then a glance at the inactive player list further confuses things.

We can also look at form and local results and then Yeoh Li Tian becomes a serious contender!

nastylara said...

In India the federation has debarred more than 2700 players (including 150 rated players) from playing in state/ national or FIDE events as they participated in tournaments outside their umbrella organizations. they could not play FIDE events since last two years.
If this new regulation comes into existence they will never be able to play chess. Is not this horrifying ? sports bodies totally controlling players.

Anonymous said...

I am horrified indeed.

Anonymous said...

No one counts only rating to determine player strength. It's rating + title (GM = +200 points, IM = +100 points, FM = +30 points, then minus player age number, etc.) which can be counted.

Anonymous said...

That is literally the most stupid system of measuring player strength that I have even seen.

Anonymous said...

With the same rating, everyone will give selection priority to an IM over an FM.
With the same all above, everyone will choose the younger.
So the formula is correct, it just needs some tweaking by the experts.

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